Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Taking my blog virginity !!

A little about me.  I'm one of those random don't give a fuck kinda guys.  Some of you will get offended but I'm not really sorry for that.  Your going to hear a lot about gambling, sports, and shit that pisses me off.  So here's something for ya.  I'm watching this show right now and this fucking guy blows my mind and says that the first Zamboni was built in fucking California. What the fuck !!!  It boggles my mind to think that someone in California (not much ice there) made the first Zamboni.  What was that guy doing be for he thought to make it I wonder?  Anyways i need a coffee.  I'll catch ya all later.

1 comment:

BronxBomber said...


LMAO dude's name was Zamboni. The fuck would make someone want to invent something to flatten ice? Must have gotten that nasty smelling pussy.