Friday, February 25, 2011


Fucking Tim Horton's man. This fucking company has there annual roll up the rim giveaway every February. Everyone gets there rocks off cause we Canadians love free shit. Even I go there about 3 times a day while this shit is going on. There's just something I don't understand about this contest. Almost every year they have had this contest most of the stores run out of cups. I would think everyone reading this in Canada has been to a Timmy's where they said we have run out of that size no? That being said if ya look at what they give away it just doesn't add up. Last year was the first year all the cars went but only 875 of the net books went and 92 of the $10000 cash prizes went. So where are the other 125 net books ? Or the other 8 $10000 cash prizes ? If all the cups are gone where r the prizes ? I don't know about you people but if I won one of those prizes, I would at least claim it. Not like a fucking cookie or something that you misplace. It just doesn't make sense to me. If you say your going to give out 100 cash prizes than give out 100 cash prizes. It's all fucking fixed anyways. They know where the winning cups go. I mean there not going to send them to fucking Iqaluit, Nunavut. There going to the big city's where the cups run out. Yeah i get some people are fucking stupid and don't roll up the rim as well but 125 unrolled cups were net books ? I'm not buying it. I guess we should just be happy a company the size of Tim Horton's is willing to give something back to the little guy. Or your can be like me and question them till they give you a reasonable answer. I guess what I'm saying is all you Tim Horton's drinkers out there ROLL UP YOUR FUCKING RIM !! I would feel like a real CUNT FACE if I tossed away a new BBQ or a 3D TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck, Hammer your first mistake is actually going to that place. Too many douches fall into the Horton coffee drug & can never be free. Cleanse your insides of this poison & you will feel a hell of a lot better. Even a shot of brandy is better than Horton shit.

As for the promo, every douche bag canadian is to blame. Like every promo, it is just another way to suck you in for a prize. Ask those SENIORS who lose money over the PHONE-CON SCAM.

Wake the fuck up Hammer.

Good luck wiht your plays.