Sunday, March 27, 2011


Hey everyone. Its great to be back. I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to post something but  I just had a lot of shit going on. Before I get started on the blog I want to give a big congrats to my buddy JJ AKA Bronx. This lucky, talented (totally straight) motherfucker has landed his first sports reporting gig with a US company. I've only been following him for about 4-6 months but in that time he has made me a nice bit of cash and kept me laughing my ass off with some of his posts. Also he has taught me how to turn shit around on my old lady lol. Everyone should keep an eye on this guy, he doesn't candy coat shit to appease the general population, he says the shit that most of his readers think, and most importantly he's a real mother fucker. So I would like to say good luck with everything brother and congrats.

Ok so in the last few weeks life has been a lil shitty. I wont go into great detail but my grandpa passed about 2 weeks ago and than my lady's aunt about a week ago. Now deaths in the family are tough to deal with at the best of times, but alot harder when some fucking gas huffing native steals your truck. (IF YOUR NATIVE YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ ON). That's right and where did this fucking guy steal it from u may ask ? The funeral home parking lot. What kind of slimy meth mouthed fuck would do something like that. I'll tell ya who NATIVES! They found it on the Osweeken rez about 2 days later and the cops actually said "hey man your lucky it wasn't burnt". Yes officer I am lucky and there lucky I don't scalp them and drag there body's behind my truck for a bit. Now living in Hamilton I got to hear a lot about the native land rights shit that happened in Caledonia. How they beat up contractors, used back hoes to tear up roads, dumped 50 tons of gravel on the road so cars couldn't get past, and even toar down hydro lines so the town lost power. Not one of them got arrested for any of it. These fuckes have the choice to get a free education and a bunch of tax breaks for what reason ? Because when the British first came over they fucked up and let some live. Now they think because of what there ancestors delt with there entitled to shit. Fuck them ! I had to go to the Osweeken police station to pick up my truck and the first thing I see when we pull into the town is a fucking native welfare office with a line up out the door. Now I know there are some decent natives out there but there few and far between. While waiting for them to release my truck I got to see a 6 man drunken fight on the street at 9 am. This is what they do all day. Huff gas, drink booze and do meth. They are  the scum of the earth and should get nothing more than a regular citizen in Canada gets. There not better than us are they ? No but for some reason we suck there dicks and give them what they want. Even the cops that took me out there to get my truck were all up in there asses. I don't get it at all. I think I'm more pissed off about where they took it from than them taking it. I mean that's what they do steal cars/trucks and get wasted, but to go to a funeral home while someones mourning the loss of a family member is fucking messed up. I'm done for now and if your native sorry but your people are fucking losers.


BronxBomber said...

thanks for the salute man I genuinely appreciate it. my condolences again.

fuck natives. will be back, need a break. gimme 4-6 weeks and I'll be better than ever.

Anonymous said...

Fuck the White Man, especially fuckers from NY.