Thursday, March 31, 2011


Do ya ever wonder what happend to the good old days? When you were in your late teens early twentys and you would chill with a bottle of booze and a bag of weed with your buddies. Why has that changed so much? I mean the booze is still tha same but rather than chilling out and smoking a few splifs all anyone wants to do it grab some oxys and bump a few rails. I mean I would be a hypocrite to say that I havent enjoyed bumping rails but its usually followed by heading out to a club with naked ladies in it, not sitting around playing vid's all fucking sketched out. Not to mention it was a lot fucking cheeper to grab a half ounce than it is to grab a ball. Thats why from this day forward every 3rd weekend at my place is going to be booze and budd night. Is that to much to ask for? One weekend a month should be easy enough no ? Just a night where we toss on NWA kick back and smoke splifs till we cant see. I have a few buddies that this is going to be real fucking hard for, but at the rate there going they may not make it another 3 weeks anyways. I know what some of you are thinking as well. "stop doing drugs to do more drugs?". It's the lesser of 2 evils lol. If u spent a UFC night watching some of my buddies pass out standing up in a middle of the first fight due to the fact there all hopped up on oxys you would understand. This is my fucked up way to help people get a lil cleaner than they are. I mean everyone loves a good blow night. Just not on a fucking wednesday lol. Take it easy everyone.

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